With more than 20 years of experience in debt collection, Argyrou & Demosthenous LLC offers debt collection services to an expanding network of clients from Cyprus and abroad. Specialising in insolvency, we combine extensive experience and professionalism in the legal process with a practical and commercial approach to debt collection.
Clients recognise Argyrou & Demosthenous LLC for its legal services’ quality and depth of specialisation. Our law firm provides a comprehensive service in respect of all matters relating to personal and corporate insolvency, representing debtors, companies, creditors, directors, insolvency practitioners, and officeholders.
We are uniquely placed to provide advice and representation on insolvency issues. We have extensive experience in the full range of matters associated with insolvency litigation, including applications made within insolvency proceedings.
Our priority is collecting the debt time efficiently, with the least possible costs, by avoiding litigation and court expenses. Issuing court proceedings is the last resort when the debtor is unwilling to settle his debt. The client/creditor will be advised as to the chances of success and collection of the debt.
Our members are regularly instructed in the following areas:
- Directors’ disqualification proceedings
- Receiverships
- Corporate and partnership break-up and shareholder disputes.
- Corporate and personal insolvency
- Asset recovery
- Auction proceedings
- Claims against directors
Get In Touch
If you wish to speak to one of our specialised lawyers, in absolute confidence, contact us.