Sotia Demosthenous


Meet our Associate, Sotia Demosthenous. She is a practising advocate since 2021. 

Sotia specialises in 
Real Estate and Family Law, with a focus on sale/purchase and lease agreements. Provides counsel on a diverse range of real estate development projects, including office buildings, mixed-use facilities, large-scale urban residential projects, including hotels and retail facilities

Sotia has a valuable experience in Family Law by shadowing Family Law Judges in Cyprus and Barristers in London, UK, including firsthand exposure to the Magistrates Court and attendance at international conferences/seminars.

Engaged in intellectual discussions and received valuable feedback from Supreme Court Judges in the UK regarding the family sector at a 4-day conference on Domestic Violence organised by the Honourable Society of Inner Temple, London

Holds the distinction of being one of the first Accredited Family Mediators in Cyprus, registered by the Ministry of Justice since 2023.

Manages complex family litigation disputes on a daily basis, including cases involving child abductions.

Sotia graduated from the University of Surrey with a degree in Law (LLB with Honours) and later went on to further her legal knowledge and gain practical experience by completing the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) and obtaining a Master’s degree (LLM) in Evidence Law from City University, London. Sotia was called to the Bar of England and Wales by the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple and is currently a registered member of the Inner Temple.

Sotia gained valuable legal knowledge through her internships at well-known law firms, both in Nicosia and London, and most significantly, by shadowing Barristers in London in the commercial and family fields, Barristers in Cyprus in the commercial, family, personal injury, civil, tort and criminal law, and by shadowing a family law Judge in Cyprus for two consecutive years.

Sotia is renowned for being an exceptional advocate, delivering unmatched client care and asserting her authority in the court with formidable advocacy skills. Her approach to sensitive matters is both subtle and direct, showcasing intellectual brilliance in her probing analysis.


  • 2015-2018: Degree in Law (LLB with Honours) at the University of Surrey
  • 2018-2019: Bar Professional Training Course at City University, London
  • 2019-2020: Master’s degree (LLM) in Evidence Law, City University, London
  • 2023: Accredited Family Mediator – Ministry of Justice

Member of :

  • 2018: Registered member of the Honourable Society of Inner Temple in London, UK.
  • 2021: Registered member of the Cyprus Bar Association
  • 2021: Registered member of the Nicosia Bar Association
  • 2022: Treasurer and registered member of the well-known International Organisation BPW of Kyrenia (Federation of Business and Professional Women)
  • 2022: Secretary and registered member of BPW Young
  • 2022: Registered member of BPW Cyprus
  • 2023: Secretary Assistant and registered member of the Family Committee of the Cyprus Bar Association
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